Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Observer: first familiar with the industry, make new techno park

Observer: first familiar with the industry, make new techno park

Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Higher Education Research and Technology), Mohammad Nasir, had said it wanted to build a center of technological innovation as well as Silicon Valley in San Francisco, California, United States.

However, in contrast with the concept of Silicon Valley shape later. He wished that the innovation center will not be limited to only information technology, but other technologies such as agricultural, marine, energy, etc. by optimizing research conducted by universities such as IPB, ITB, UGM, and UNDIP and supported collaboration with industry. Currently it plans to make 100 techno park as a meeting point between industrialists with investigators.

This plan is also to get the attention of observers technological innovation, Teknopreneur Indonesia, Marzuki Adie. According to him, the ideals that do Menristek Higher Education should be appreciated, but in actual work done remains unclear.

"Her goal anyway already bener. Effortnya unclear how willing," he said.

He revealed it is not without reason. Because, until now there is no fabric of good communication between researchers with industry, so that some of the research that has been done should be wasted each year.

"There has not been a good communication between researchers with industry." Said Adie.

In his opinion, the Silicon Valley because it was built as a generic with initiatives from Stanford University and Hewlett-Packard (HP). They have the same goal, thus forming industrial clusters. Even so also the division of roles of each sector and market shares are also arranged naturally. Eg semiconductor and software sectors that supply the sector such as Cisco routers, or sector that supplies hardware platforms sectors such as Facebook, Twitter, and so forth.

"Stanford, Berkeley or MIT serves as a research institution and a supplier of manpower according to the needs of the industry which is actually very familiar with the campus. So if you want to make a techno park, familiarity should make the first inter-university and research institutions with industry," he said.

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