Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Often though the weather was cold chills? This is why!

Often though the weather was cold chills? This is why!

You often feel cold, even though the air conditioner in the room you die or when the weather is beyond mediocrity? Even the hands and feet often feels like ice was so chill. Well, here are some reasons why you often feel cold or shivering when the outside temperature mediocre or even tend to be warm.
1. You are too skinny
The body mass index of about 18.5 (or below) can make you often feel cold even though the temperature outside tend to warm. Because you have inadequate body fat to protect you from cold temperatures.
2. Problems with the thyroid
When your legs and arms often feel cold despite the warm temperatures outside, it could be a sign that there are problems in your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. Hypothyroidism make the thyroid can not secrete enough thyroid hormone.
It makes your metabolism slows down and prevents the body to produce sufficient heat. Other signs of hypothyroidism include thinning hair, dry skin, and fatigue.
3. Poor Circulation
If your hands and feet often feels like ice, it means that you have a problem with blood circulation. Cardiovascular disease can also be one of the causes of the condition. And that means your heart can not pump blood effectively.
4. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep can damage the nervous system, making part of the brain that affects body temperature disturbed. When you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow down. It makes the body produce less heat and eventually your circulation slowed.
Here are a few reasons why you often feel cold when the temperature outside mediocre or tends warm.

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